Yachting “Restart” for the marinas of Zea, Gouvia and Lefkas

D-Marinas Hellas, the company under which D-Marin Zea, Lefkas and Gouvia operate, is active again! With effect from May 25th, 2020 operations of yachting and maritime tourism returned to normal through the easing of restrictions on sailing and arrivals of private yachts and boats within the Greek territory. According to the goverment protocol, private yachts are allowed to set sail, catering up to 12 passengers. Under the same government decision, restrictions on professional leisure activities have been released since May 29th. All marinas welcomed again the public and customers inside their facilities by following all the appropriate measures to provide a safe service.
D-Marinas Hellas, being socially responsible towards the society, its employees and customers, follows and strictly applies the guidelines of the Authorities by implementing all necessary protection and prevention measures. All public and private sanitary and working places are disinfected daily, all protective measures have been imposed on marinas’ staff which are frequently trained on hygieene rules and its implementation. Special marking and controlled entry measures have been adopted at the indoor areas in order to maintain the distance of 1.5m between the individuals and each marina has developed a management plan for COVID-19 suspicious cases.
We are looking forward to welcome you again.